Saturday, May 31, 2008

Choropleth Map

The map above is a Florida counties map showing a percent of people who are hispanic or latino living in those areas in the year 2000. A choropleth map is also a thematic map (which is easy to visualize) that shows shaded or patterned areas in proportion to a measurement of statistical numbers that is being displayed on a map.

Dot Distribution Map

The above map shows a dot distribution map of military families that lives in the Ohio area. These military families live literally all over the State of Ohio. A dot distribution map is a map that portrays data as a dot that represents a number of persons or items within a boundary of that specific geographic region, in this case it represents a number of families.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Propaganda Map

The above photo is a propaganda map showing what Europe would of looked like if Germany hadn't won WWI. A propaganda map is a map that has been manipulated or distorted to fit a political or social goal as well as an idea or vision.

Hypsometric Map

The above photo is a hypsometric map of France. A hypsometric map is a map that gives elevations or terrains by contour lines or sometimes often by different shades.


The PLSS map above is an example of a crop distribution map. A PLSS (Public Land Survey System) map is a map is a map used to divide public domain lands.

Cadastral Map

The above map is a cadastral map of from the 19th century showing the property owners of the City of Gardiner. A cadastral map is a survey of a particular area shown in large scale.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Thematic map

The photo above shows a photo of a thematic map of Hawaii Island Land Reserve. A thematic map is a data map of a specific subject for a specific purpose and in this case it is Land Reserve.

Topographic Map

The above photo shows a topographic map of India. A topographic map is a large scale map of an area showing the natural features of the land such as trees, mountains, canyons, etc.

Planimetric Map

The photo shown above is a planimetric map of channel and tributary boundaries at the Elk Island site on the Yellowstone River. A planimetric map is a graphic map that indicates only the horizontal positions of features and not the verticle.